Week 6 - 25th August 2024

Entrance, Crossroads, Webs, Bridge

I have joined up the first four "rooms" now. There is almost full functionality in the first two - both puzzles and cut scenes - then the next two I spent a while just trying to get Edda scaled right and walking in the right places. It still looks janky as hell, but for now it is fine.

Next I need to work on inventory interactions in those scenes.

Fred the Difficult Child

The trees/webs scene and the bridge scene are my two prettiest areas I've made, but the lack of NPCs make them seem a little bare at the moment. I don't think I'll suddenly put in Fred the Difficult Child or something as a challenge for Edda, but I did immediately look at my trees/webs area and see an obvious puzzle I could work in. As in obvious that I need one - not obvious to solve. No, you will never solve it because it will be genius of course.


I feel like I'm dragging Edda around at the moment - there's still a real issue with compulsion to make this game. It's worse when I have now maybe 3 future games in my head I'm looking at. One, the kids in the village game, is the strongest contender by far. Another is Undy 3, which I have a really fun idea for. The third was a really odd idea about some characters in a car in a monochrome town - that is one where I have really strong character ideas but no story. A bit like Undy I guess.

Edda has definitely been a case of me having a setting in mind, then a sort-of character, then much later a plot. As I've said before - I will never make a game again where the initial idea is so unfocused.


There's part of me that wants to start a new Twine and just completely rewrite this game. In a way, it's too fussy and illogical. I found with Undy 1 that I was struggling because I was trying to explain my own plot holes. I forgot that nobody knows about the game until it's out - there is nothing stopping a complete and logical rewrite, except laziness perhaps.

But what I'm getting at is, maybe Edda arriving in the woods isn't the start of the game after all. Maybe it's Act 2? Certainly it's not the climax. I also have a bit in an abbey that I seem obsessed with getting in there, but if you're forcing it, maybe it doesn't belong?


Having the villain not turn up until Act 2, and only have two scenes is also something I need to ponder carefully...


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