Week 8 - 8th September 2024

I've done a lot of art for scenes this week. I also have been trying to code the opening to give information, be interactive and be interesting. It's not really quite there, but each iteration of these ideas gets me closer - and the fact is I have a lot more areas to play with.

It was all a bit A-to-B however and I really *really* don't want to start with extensive cutscenes or chatter. I think you should learn the story while playing. It's not a cartoon.

Every time I re-organise, the story becomes clearer. More importantly, I laid out Edda's objectives so that I understand what a player would need to do and in what order to progress the story.

Not a very interesting update, but here are some more images.



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Those graphics look gorgeous! I'm so proud of you for tackling something you had such a range of emotions about and weren't sure if you wanted to continue... but look at you now! It IS an interesting update and it gives us all some insight into how things are coming along for you.

Thank you. My work on scenes has really come on. Characters have been hit and miss, but doing some drawing lessons has helped.  Interiors will be tough. 

But thank you!

It's not a cartoon! I appreciate that mindset in our creation process

It's so easy to get dragged into the story and forget that at some point the player might want to, y'know, *click something*?