Week 5 - 18th August 2024


This week was spent mostly on the crossroads scene. I call it the crossroads because the screen was a crossroads for a long time. So even though the art has changed and it looks nothing like a crossroads, I keep calling it that in the code and variables. I suppose nobody will ever see that anyway, but it is weird how I'm fixated on it.

I had to create a coded "incident" that occurs when Edda does something to get something (such detail). I actually was able to get that working in a pleasing way quite quickly. 

However, little did I know how hard I would then find it to have two NPCs walk onto screen from opposite sides at once to challenge Edda's actions. Either:

+ Didn't appear at all
+ One would appear. The other would just shout from off-screen. Which was funny but not helpful.
+ Both would walk on, but one would turn into a giant when leaving.

Obviously, if you use AGS you'll know what probably caused a lot of these headaches. Anyway, it's pretty much solved now. They walk on, say their thing, then smoothly walk off again, never to be seen again.

Old Mother Shipton

I'm now able to set up the next two screens. That will be for the week ahead, at some point. Once *they* are working (doesn't have to be polished, just pretty good), I'll be able to finalise the first part of the First Part. I went to Mother Shipton's Cave last Friday - it gave me a lot of ideas that I probably could do without this late in planning, but I think a little expansion here and there in the opening scenes might be necessary.

This is the usual impenetrable vagueness from me, so apologies for that.

Anachronistic Dialogue

Kaz did some early playtesting. She feels the dialogue is too anachronistic in places. This is intentional, but maybe I've got the tone slightly wrong. I can review that later on of course.


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So excited to learn more about this journey for you (and Kaz as your official tester)

Thank you! This has been such an impossible "2nd" game to make so far.