Week 3 - 4th August 2024

My tasks for the week were "focusing on writing the dialogue; programming the inventory mechanics; and programming the dialogue."


I found it impossible to plan this work this week, until I decided to start using Twine. Twine is amazing for setting out all the various outcomes of character interactions with items or each other.

So I spent the first part of the week working on the Twine "bubbles".

This doesn't really give anything away. Just shows how I had to plan out my first screen. The first screen now plays fully. Good, bug-free dialogue chains and items work properly.

It will need a polish later on, but it's playable. So I will move onto the Crossroads area next. I have to work on the Spider area and Bridge area. Once those four key areas are flowing nicely, I can finish off the first part of the first act. The second part of act one should be smaller and simpler, so there could be a slightly wonky but playable first act in the not too distant future.

This would probably be not much smaller than my entire Undy 1 game was, so with two more acts to go, you can see how the project will be significantly bigger.

Next Steps

I've sort of ignored my project plan, as it's broken down into too many parts right now. I'm just trying to finish entire screens to be playable. This might be my whole week to be honest.


So the real next step looks like it'll be starting Act 2 work. I'm doing all the sound last - I'm not sure if I am getting this voiced, but I'm started to consider it.

My problem with voicing on Undy 1 is I rushed it out and then went around getting voice actors to do a "deluxe" version. I could still finish it of course, but the fact the game was already out - you don't get two chances usually to make people pay attention to your tiny amateur game.

So I will have to consider with Edda whether I want to get it voiced before I even release it. I am absolutely 50/50 on this right now. Definitely a problem for the future.

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